Collaborative research work impacts on the education and professional development of mathematics teachers from the OBEDUC project core UEPB


  • Abigail Fregni Lins

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OBEDUC, Mathematics Education, Research, Professional Development, Teacher Education


The OBEDUC Program of CAPES has as goal to foment studies and research in education which use the universities available infrastructure and INEP data base. It has as aims to provide the articulation among graduation, under graduation and schools, to stimulate the academic production and the graduate resources, master and doctoral studies. In this sense, we discuss in our paper the questionnaires application results, which we report impacts of the collaborative research work on the education of the two of eight under gra-duate students and on the professional development of the two of the eight Mathematics teachers inserted in the OBEDUC Network Project Edital 2012 Core UEPB from the last three years. It was a unique and enriched experience to the pre service and in service teachers to have the active insertion opportunity in a project involving education research. The results make sure the vital importance of the governmental support for financial resources of activities on teacher pre professional and professional development, as financial resources of research activities. We can strongly state that the implementation of the OBEDUC Program by CAPES provokes and problematizes new ways in the teacher and researcher education politics in our country by providing interaction and work in a joint way, by integrating under graduate students, graduate students and in service teachers in the same project, in the same process, with the same aim. We believe that the OBEDUC Program by CAPES is, and it can be understood, a study area for education politics for university education in our country, as for the under graduate and graduate level, as for the teacher professional development.


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How to Cite

LINS, A. F. Collaborative research work impacts on the education and professional development of mathematics teachers from the OBEDUC project core UEPB. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 16, p. 77–94, 2017. DOI: 10.31639/rbpfp.v9i16.163. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.


