Teacher training, reading practices, teading literature, MozambiqueAbstract
The theme of this article is the study of reading practices and literary reading in the primary teacher training course in Mozambique. The main objective is to discuss the relationship between the reading practices developed in the primary teacher training course, the contents of the Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology subject program and the way literature is taught in a primary school. The research is of the ethnographic type was conducted through bibliographic, documentary and field studies. The analysis of the material produced was based on the perspective of teaching reading with a cultural approach. This analysis showed that, in the two institutions researched, reading practices are encouraged more as a search for knowledge and information, and the course’s subject schedule does not have specific content that addresses the teaching of literary reading.. From this, it is suggested that teacher training curricula can be based on three bases: scientific knowledge, didactic-pedagogical training and ethical and political training.
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Copyright (c) 2024 José Fernando CASTIGO, Ana Lúcia GUEDES-PINTO (Autor)

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